Darkfall is a recently released MMO game. As in many other MMOs gathering and crafting mostly consists of pressing the same button over and over at the same spot.
This can be a bit tedious to say the least, but the Darkfall team recently stated in a post on their forums here that it's OK to use macros, as long as you don't go AFK.
An autoclicking macro will help you with both gathering and crafting in Darkfall, by clicking for you at regular intervals.
So I guess a lot of folks are asking right now, how does this work? Well I'll give you my solution.
We'll be using a program called AutoIT. This program sends key/mouse presses to Darkfall. It does not modify the game in any way.
First you need to download and install AutoIT from here: http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/
After you have installed AutoIT, create a new text file somewhere on your computer. Name this file something like DarkfallAutoClicker.au3 (the .au3 is important).
In this file you put the script below. After you have saved it, you should be able to just double-click it to start.
How to useF1: Run / Pause F3: Shorter delay F4: Longer delay F5-F8: Speed 1/2/3/4
The default speeds for F5-F8 can be set in the script (in milliseconds) and the hotkeys can be changed aswell.
Should be pretty straightforward.. Here is the script:
; ---------------------------------------------------- ; ; Darkfall AutoClicker script for AutoIT ; ; The script below is released into the public domain ; by me, the author ; ; http://lostontheintarweb.blogspot.com/ ; ; AutoIT can be found at http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/ ; ; --- Configurable constants --- ; Default speeds for F4-F8 Const $speed_1 = 5200 Const $speed_2 = 10200 Const $speed_3 = 15200 Const $speed_4 = 21200 ; Minimum and maximum speed ; To avoid nasty stuff like negative speed Const $min_speed = 1000 Const $max_speed = 120000 ; F3-F4 will vary the speed with this amount Const $speed_step = 1000 ; Fade time for tray-bubble Const $bubble_fade_time = 1000 ; --- Hotkey Definition --- ; + is SHIFT ^ for CTRL and ! for ALT ; Read more here: http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/functions/Send.htm HotKeySet("+{F1}", "Toggle") HotKeySet("+{F3}", "SpeedDown") HotKeySet("+{F4}", "SpeedUp") HotKeySet("+{F5}", "Speed1") HotKeySet("+{F6}", "Speed2") HotKeySet("+{F7}", "Speed3") HotKeySet("+{F8}", "Speed4") ; --- User configurable variables end here --- ; --- Do not edit below unless you know what you are doing --- Global $run = False ; Runs while true Global $speed = $speed_1 ; Default is speed_1 Global $fade = False ; After bubble Global $fadetime ; Time bubble starts Global $click = False ; Click-in-progress Global $clicktime ; Time of last click ; Displays tray bubble Func Bubble($text) TrayTip("Darkfall AutoClicker", $text, 5) $fade = True $fadetime = TimerInit() EndFunc ; Increase speed Func SpeedUp() $speed = $speed + $speed_step If $speed > $max_speed Then $speed = $max_speed EndIf Bubble(StringFormat("Speed set to: %d", $speed)) EndFunc ; Decrease speed Func SpeedDown() $speed = $speed - $speed_step If $speed < $min_speed Then $speed = $min_speed EndIf Bubble(StringFormat("Speed set to: %d", $speed)) EndFunc ; Set speed 1 Func Speed1() $speed = $speed_1 Bubble(StringFormat("Speed set to: %d", $speed)) EndFunc ; Set speed 2 Func Speed2() $speed = $speed_2 Bubble(StringFormat("Speed set to: %d", $speed)) EndFunc ; Set speed 3 Func Speed3() $speed = $speed_3 Bubble(StringFormat("Speed set to: %d", $speed)) EndFunc ; Set speed 4 Func Speed4() $speed = $speed_4 Bubble(StringFormat("Speed set to: %d", $speed)) EndFunc ; Toggle run/pause Func Toggle() $run = NOT $run If $run Then Bubble(StringFormat("Running at speed: %d", $speed)) TraySetIcon("explorer.exe",110) Else Bubble("Paused") TraySetIcon("explorer.exe",111) EndIf EndFunc ; --- Function definitions end here --- ; --- Start of main routine --- TraySetIcon("explorer.exe",111) Bubble("Darkfall AutoClicker started") WinActivate ( "Darkfall Online" ) While 1 ; Fade out bubble now? If $fade Then If TimerDiff($fadetime) > 1000 Then $fade = False Bubble("") EndIf EndIf ; Run mode? If $run Then If Not $click Then ; First click WinWaitActive("Darkfall Online") MouseClick("left") $click = True $clicktime = TimerInit() Else ; Delay has passed, time for new click If TimerDiff($clicktime) > $speed Then $click = False EndIf EndIf EndIf Sleep(50) ; IMPORTANT! Don't eat too much CPU WEnd ; ----------------------------------------------------
I copyed the script to AutoIt, but when I double click the "DARKFALLAUTOCLICK".au3 no error appears, but a red x comes to my bar and when I my mouse to it, it says "(Paused) AutoIt - DARKFALLAUTOCLICK.au3 "
I have the same problem with the script being paused... how do I activate it? Clicking the icon in the bottom right corner of windows just unpauses and repauses it at once.
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